Join us for a day of discovery, inspiration, and holistic well-being.
The 19th of January from 10 to 18 h at MAMERHAFF.
Explore a variety of expositions, including:
La constellation systémique familiale - Martina Tetto
The art of Essential Oils – Fabiana Pereira
The benefits of natural supplements, such as Omega-3 and Spiruline – ViviBene Lux
Hands-on demonstrations of Shiatsu – Daniela Oliva
Démonstration de massage Kobido – Les Jardin holistiques
Participate in workshops like Interactive Yoga Sessions to rejuvenate your body and mind, and family systemic therapy exercises.
Attend our conferences on transformative subjects such as a holistic approach to healthy nutrition, Bach Flower Remedies, acupuncture for Emotional Balance, and many more.
Look at our conferences and workshops:
10:30 A Holistic Approach to Nutrition- Carmen Miletta Cossa - Health Coach & Yoga Teacher
11:30 Le pouvoir des nutriments essentiels pour le bien-être : Focus sur les oméga-3- Elena Trestini - Fondatrice de la société ViviBene Lux
13:30 The Bach Flower circle of emotion
12:45 The Bach Flower Circle of Emotions - Valentina Rudelli - osteopath DO AK and Bach flower advisor BFRP
14:00 Acupuncture et Équilibre Émotionnel : Les Bienfaits de la Médecine Traditionnelle Chinoise - Karin Verdun – kinésithérapeute
15:30 Exercice selon la thérapie systémique familiale - Martina Tetto - Facilitatrice des nouvelles constellations familiales de Bert Hellinger
16:30 Yin Yoga Benefits + lesson - Carmen Miletta Cossa - Health Coach & Yoga Teacher
Enjoy a healthy tasting session to nourish your journey, and participate in prize draws throughout the day to win products or discounts on therapies.*
Don't miss this opportunity for just 10 euros! Places are limited!
​*événement en langue anglaise et française